Top 5 Costume Ideas for Halloween
Ghouls, ghosts, and goblins. It is that time of the year that the inner 9-year-old in all of us has waiting so patiently for. Growing up as a kid I always had such a hard time trying to figure out what it was that I wanted to be for Halloween, because I was always so scared that I was going to see a thousand other whatever-i-was’s out there trick-or-treating right alongside of me. So this year, to help out everyone else whose anxiety sometimes gets the best of them, this is my Top 5 Halloween Costume Ideas for 2019.
Halloween Costumes for Area 51 Raiders
I’m not going to lie, when it came to the area 51 raid this year, I was a little bummed about not seeing more Naruto runners showing up to storm Area 51 like I had hoped. But that does not mean that the aliens have been forgotten. If you are like me and want to have a little alien fun this Halloween, why not try this:
Best Halloween Costume for Girls
When it comes to Halloween costumes for girls, I think that the whole princess, fairy, insert feminine character here, scene is way too overplayed. I believe that it is 2019 and we should act as such. My pick for the best girl’s costume of 2019 is this Spider Gwynn costume that I found on Amazon:
Best Costume for Cosplayers
When it comes to getting creative with stretching a dollar, I like to believe that I am pretty good. With that being said I believe that if you are a cosplayer, then there is no reason as to why you can’t use some of the sales that you find during the Halloween time to stock up on cosplay outfits. Now I understand that some cosplayers may think that it is cheating to use a store-bought outfit for your cosplay, but just go with me here because I think that this one is pretty good. To all of you cosplayers out there I present to you:
And to my female cosplayers I present to you:
Best Costume for Boys
I know that I am not the only guy that grew up as a kid wishing to be their favorite video game character. So, to the 12 year old me that still likes to make an appearance every time that I pick up a controller, this one is for you bud:
Best Couple’s Halloween Costume ideas
So I have a confession. I am a huge Disney fan, and there is a special spot in my Mickey Mouse shaped heart when it comes to the classics. I cannot think of a better couple’s costume idea than this one I found for a Mary Poppins themed Halloween Costume:
I really hope that you guys enjoyed this list as much as I enjoyed creating it. Just so that there is transparency in this blog, as I hope to always be transparent with you, these links are linked to my affiliate amazon account so even though there is no extra charge to you, I will make money of anything bought via the links. I hope that everyone out there has a very happy halloween and as always, until next time, just keep pinning!