Some may see this post and think that it is odd, curious, or downright wrong. Who is this man, and how the hell did I get to his site? Did he actually just claim that men use Pinterest too? He must just mean for memes right.... Well, no. Believe it or not men also use Pinterest for inspiration, outfit ideas, hair styles, workout ideas and really anything else you can think of. Now, granted I don't have as many boards or pins saved as my wife, but I do generally enjoy the experience that Pinterest has to offer. And yes, my wife is the one that introduced me to Pinterest.
It all began after I proposed to my wife that I got introduced to what Pinterest is. Turns out that my wife had our wedding already planned out via pins, and I am not going to lie, it was a little overwhelming. As overwhelming as it was, I saw the utility that Pinterest had in today's digital world. Instead of having these plans, images or ideas in your head, knowing full well that you are going to forget them in just a matter of hours let alone days, being able to pull out your phone and open the app makes organizing your ideas a lot easier. It gives you a way to share your vision with those in your life quickly and effortlessly with just the click of a button. Not to mention the fact that you can just lose yourself in a Pinterest rabbit hole ( I know we have all stumbled on some of the darker corners of Pinterest ) that can help you discover content that you never knew that you would enjoy.
That brings me to this blog and what it is that I hope to accomplish here. As long as I can figure out how to navigate around this site well enough, I would like to share some of my favorite pins, boards and also make some pins of my own and have a blog to link back to. I hope that you guys take a moment to subscribe to my email list so that you can be informed of when I post new content, and as always until next time, keep on pinning!